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Rethinking Connectivity – Hyper-connectivity & the Intelligent Edge

Jeremy Saenz Senior Software Engineer, Synadia
08 Dec 2022
13:50 - 14:20
Room B

Rethinking Connectivity – Hyper-connectivity & the Intelligent Edge

Session Abstract:

Modern distributed systems require multi-cloud, multi-geo, and edge capabilities and presence. Technologies we have long relied upon are starting to come up short. We believe we have transitioned from a data economy to a connective economy, where how things connect, communicate and collaborate will drive the next waves of massive innovation. We propose a new set of connectivity 3.0 pillars, ones like location independence, perimeterless security models, zero trust, M:N communications, Intelligent persistence, and extensible, multiple operator systems. We will also discuss how these are applicable even to systems today. In this talk, we will also explore the NATS.io connective technology and describe how it can be used to deliver modern distributed systems with microservices, streaming, intelligent persistent, and security. All across any cloud, operator, geo or any edge system.


Jeremy is a software engineer turned to Product, and back to Engineering. He has years of experience in multiple disciplines such as engineering, UI/UX design, and project management, designing software in multiple industries and business models. He is the creator & author of the popular screencast series on Rethinking Connectivity available at https://rethink.synadia.com/

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